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Members Benefits

Norton Owners Club Insurance from Peter James Insurance

As a member of the Norton Owners Club you have access to Norton Owners Club Insurance, an insurance scheme provided by Peter James which is exclusive to the club.

Call 0121 274 5380 or click to get a quote today!

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Designed exclusively for the club, Norton Owners Club Insurance gives members access to a range of benefits that are simply not available outside of the club scheme. If you’re an existing Peter James customer, then at renewal you will automatically be switched over to Norton Owners Club Insurance with all the new benefits.

Why choose Norton Owners Club Insurance?

Policy benefits can include:*

  • Exclusive rates for Norton Owners Club members
  • Member to member cover – ride another club member’s motorcycle with fully comprehensive cover (regardless of who they are insured with)
  • Free agreed value
  • Free salvage retention
  • UK & EU Breakdown included
  • Tools and spare parts cover (up to £3000)
  • Free Helmet and Leathers cover
  • Self-repair option
  • Multi-vehicle options
  • Limited mileage discounts
  • Legal expenses cover

*Policy benefits, features and discounts offered may vary and are subject to underwriting criteria.

How can I get a quote?

It’s easy! The quickest and easiest way is to call Peter James Insurance on 0121 274 5380.

Get a quote today!






Morris Oils logo

Morris Lubricants On-Line



SAF logo

Stainless Automotive Fastenings

Suppliers of all sorts of nuts, bolts, socket caps and so on in both imperial and metric sizes.  Also split pins and specials to drawings or samples. NOC Members benefit from a 10% discount on items ordered.  Firstly, you will have to register on their web site to log in as a new customer.  To obtain the discount, enter the code 'NOC' into the discount coupon box during the checkout process.


Abotts  Tools logo


Abbots Tools is the online outlet for the complete range of  King Dick tools.   King Dick tools are a preferred supplier for the Norton Factory and they still produce Whitworth & BA sizes for those of you with vintage bikes. We only sell genuine King Dick and the web site is set out clearly and cleanly in sections making it very easy to find what you are looking for.   We ship worldwide.

Prices on Abbots Tools website prices are below list already but we will give members of  the Norton Owners Club a free gift with all orders over the value of £50.00 plus discounts for larger orders as follows:-

NOC50 Orders over £  50  Free 5m steel retractable tape
NOC100 Orders over £100  Free tape as above plus 5% discount
NOC200 Orders over £200  Free tape as above plus 10% discount

In order to gain these discounts use the appropriate NOC code above at checkout


Solo Motorcycle Products are happy to offer 5% discount to NOC members who purchase directly from them and provide a valid NOC membership number.

Solo offer Roller Starters, Bike lifts and wheel clamps   - all made in Britain.

"We manufacture 5 models of starter please call us on + 44(0)7780840330 to discuss your requirements.

There are 2 types of bike lift  (manual and electric) . The wheel clamp  is fully adjustable (16 inch - 21 inch) with holes  for locking chain and holes for fixing down."

E mail

Tel: + 44(0)7780840330


Ebac Dehumidifier logo

Ebac Dehumidifiers offers a 5% discount to NOC Members ordering directly from the company.  In addition,  it  offers free delivery on orders over £30 and a free five year warranty.  Simply enter the promotional code 'NOC5 ' when checking out your on-line purchase





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