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Commander police fibreglass wanted


Does anyone know of where I might find the rear full width top cover, single seat and rear fairing piece for the radio antenna and blue lamp for an ex West Midlands Police Commander please?

The rest of the bike is complete, albeit painted grey.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks for reading.


I'm new to the forum, so sorry if this is a dumb question, but where are PM's accessible???

I received the email telling me you had replied, but after a frustrating 20 minutes on the site, I can't see where PM's are accessed.  They are not in the places I would have expected them to be in my profile, or as a link on a menue.

A pointer to where I can find your answer would be much appreciated!


Yep, not like any other site. Useless Website that is ignored by the Committee.

Click on the persons name in any thread, then click on contact before then filling in a subject and content of message. Click send and it will then be sent to their email address as long as its valid.

Thank you John,  but doing that sends a message to the person's email address saying there is a message.  The actual message isn't sent and the link embedded in the email doesn't take you to read the message.

I'm trying to find how to read a message I have been sent, and thus far, I can't find a way?


Hi John,

Thanks for trying.  I received the email notification that you have sent me a message.

Came through immediately.  The link takes me to your page, which is blank.

Blank contact form page

I have sent you a PM as well.

There is something really strange with these PM's on here.


Hi Ashley

It's not just me then!

Can you send me an email instead?  all lower case, my first name followed by the "at" symbol and followed by my domain



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