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Jubilee chaincase oil


Cannot see any reference in my manual for oil amount and type for the Jubilee chaincae/clutch housing.

What amount and type does the Jubilee require.




Use normal engine oil. I use 20/50. Pour the oil in through the top inspection hole until it drips out at the level plug then tighten up both top and bottom plugs/covers. It takes very little oil but I can't remember how much. The chaincase is virtually guaranteed to leak so check oil often.


Previously patrick_mullen wrote:

Use normal engine oil. I use 20/50. Pour the oil in through the top inspection hole until it drips out at the level plug then tighten up both top and bottom plugs/covers. It takes very little oil but I can't remember how much. The chaincase is virtually guaranteed to leak so check oil often.

Thanks Patrick.

Is the bottom screw plug the level plug. Looks a bit high for a drain off.



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