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WIPAC Switch Function


Does anyone have a good illustration of how the WIPAC IGN/EMG & High/Low rotary switches work? I'm doing a total rewire of my '66 Jubilee and cannot work out which pins to connect each wire to, there is no references on the Jubilee wiring diagram. I've got new sockets & switches and numbered the pins 1-9 anti-clockwise, with pin#1 left of the gap in the terminals (when looking down onto top of switch). I've rung out the switch so I know which pins are connected in each switch position, but cannot align it with what I'm seeing on the wiring diagram!


This RH had an excellent article about the Wipac switchgear. 

Everything you could ever wish to know. 

But I would say that wouldn't I. 

Past issues are available on this website to members. 



If you follow the WIPAC diagram it has a gap. You consider this gap from looking at the back/bottom of the switch. Also bear in mind that the two switches are identical. (fitted with different knobs)


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