The Electra shows its cheapskate FB origins in a number of areas although many of the design features seem excellent. One thing I think awful is the mickey mouse rear brake stop which is merely a bit of bent tin trapped under the footrest. So at something of a loose end - it is the festive season after all - I set to to make an improvement. It consists of a folded piece of 16 gauge steel held between the swinging arm pivot underneath the styling panel and the pedal pivot. A 1/4" clearance hole with a nut JB welded to it holds an adjusting screw which then bears on an abutment - again 16 gauge, and again held by JB weld to the pedal as the narrow section here would not provide a good bearing location. I used JB weld as I only have a stick welder and my welding is of the pigeon dropping standard.
The bracket (eagle eyed viewers will note I initially got the fixing hole distance slightly wrong!
The abutment on the brake lever:
Not sure I agree with you on the pedal stop, it's cheap to make and effective, does have the look of an after thought though.
What is miserly is the lack of a return spring for the pedal. I don't like the idea of relying on the brake shoe return springs. It is, I believe, unsatisfactory. I have fitted a return spring to the pedal.
Makes for a better feel to the pedal.
Incidentally, I had to move the pedal outwards to stop it touching the exhaust pipe.