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Low opinion of the 961

I do not own a 961 just a Rotary and a 650 SS, on FB today there was some typically negative comments concerning the new Norton's (Atlas etc) from one who admitted to not owning or riding a Norton and another who is a sales person for a well know dealer who stated that every 961 he has sold has had to go back to Norton to get sorted, following are some of the comments:

"Their current bike has a pretty terrible reputation for build quality and reliability"

"The current 961 has been running for years and they all have problems. And when I say all, I mean every single one I have sold has been back for warranty and then sent to the factory for them to deal with"

If you want to defend your 961 and the reputation of Norton Motors who are doing their best to bring new Nortons to the market nows your chance


That is the essence of social media, everyone has an opinion about everything regardless of any evidence or experience of the matter being discussed. i have a 961 and the bike is reliable, responsive and great fun to ride. The build quality is not in question - Brembo, Ohlins, polished billet, polished wheels etc. It is pointless getting into any discussion on social media which rejects an uninformed opinion or point of view as it always deteriorates into abusive comments.

The real defence will be the number of bikes sold by Norton- from other social media sites and those who have attended the NEC today, it looks like these new Atlas bikes will sell by the bucket load.


People told me the rotaries weren't 'real' Nortons and were nothing but trouble. I sold mine with 113,000 miles on the clock and it never let me down once , original sprockets and chain, one of the best bikes I have ever had in over fifty two years of biking.

Bought a 961 sport over three years ago, now with 13,000 miles on the clock. A few teething problems but don't regret buying it for one second, no wonder the Aussies call us 'Whinging Poms'.

Facebook is the work of the Devil.!!


I've had no problems whatsoever with my 961 California.

OK, it's only just done 500 miles , but you get a feeling for a bike and this bike is going to be reliable.

As stated, great to ride and great to look at.

I never take any notice of "armchair" warriors anyway, I'm glad I bought it !



Most motorcycle brands has safety issues. If you search on

you'll find no reported issues on Norton for the last 14 years. In contrary to most well-known motorcycle brands.

In my opinion the European Commission (whatever you think of it) is a more reliable source of information than Facebook.


Bought 961 June 2016 never regretted buying a great looking bike which does everything you wish for the problem is some people in the club are still stuck in 1960 and will not except anything other than there own machines. Had a slight glich early on, head temp sensor failed other than that everything ok, compared to the new Mercedes I bought which I sent back as it had a horrendous paint job and had it exchanged. People in the club never excepted the rotaries saying they were not proper Norton's I have 2 and they are quality bikes which do everything I expect of a Norton. 961 current mileage 6400 and going and sounding great.

Den Bourne



I've had 961s for 5.5 years and continue to have great enjoyment from the 11k miles covered so far - there have been a few glitches but the factory and dealers are there to sort them out . You only have to look at what Stuart Garner & his team have achieved in 10 years - there is a 3 bike range at present with more models on the way. He is committed to run not only the V4 but the new 650 at the TT which keeps the name of Norton at the very forefront of motorcycling. When you buy a Norton be it old or new, you are not only getting a great motorcycle but buying into the brand which has a fantastic racing history. I spend many happy hours speaking to the public at petrol stations & the like when out on the bikes. Every motorcycle company has an evolutionary approach and Norton Motorcycles has IMHO done a superb job in such a short space of time. This year I have spoken to many new Norton owners who have bought the 50th anniversary models and across the board, they are all having a great time with them. Go & get a new one & I'm sure you will not be disappointed.

New Superlight 650 just launched at the NEC



Went to the show yesterday the Norton stand was one of the most visited stands.They had a customers bike an RR V4 with a full titanium exhaust that were allowed to start it up at 2.0 the whole area was astonished the sound even Steve Parish could not compete with it.I have a J P N Commando from new and No 20 Cafe Racer Anniversary bike never missed a beat from new.Suzuki U K had my GT750 on their stand and one of their guys cannot understand how they do it for the money for the two new bikes.


Thank you to all the posts in reply to my conversation starter, I was pleased to be able to report back to the doubters on FB that the 961 is a quality built bike and although it has had its issues it is not the rubbish bike they tried to make it out to be.

I attended the NEC bike show yesterday and was very impressed with the two new 650 Nortons, in fact the whole of the range of models on show, also the lightweight 650 bike it would be great to see it competing for a podium place at the TT.

I must say how impressed I am with Stuart Garner Norton CEO, I did not speak to him but from 10:00 when the show opened to 16:00 when I had to leave for the airport I did not see him take a rest from promoting his company and product lines, it is noted that he has a business to run but that said how many other CEO's were on their companies stands selling their bikes? Stuart in my humble opinion is the best ambassador we have had for our Nortons (new and old) for a very long time.

All I have to do now is convince my better half to let me buy a new Atlas!!


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