I am considering fitting an RGM Fiter Kit to my 1959 Dommi. I've seen it described as 'bulky' but RGM claim to have sold thousands ! So, can anyone show me a photograph of one fitted to their machine or even provide a diagram ? Have you any advice on fitting one ? What are the pitfalls ? Do I need to make/source additional parts to effect the fitting ? Is anything compromised as a result of the fitting ?
If you want a less bulky one…
If you want a less bulky one, Morgo do one, but it’s not cheap!
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I made my bracket from a…
I made my bracket from a small piece of thin steel channel and bolted it to the bottoms of the gearbox plates. I wanted the filter to be totally upside down (as it is on many cars) so as not to pour oil everywhere when changing the filter. It took quite a few hours of fettling and reshaping until I got it to fit correctly with clearance, and I think the first one I made ending up in the bin :)
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That looks a very neat…
That looks a very neat installation Bob, could have been OEM!
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Thanks to Oil Filter fitters.........
Thanks to you all for the observations and photographs - very helpful. Another project for the winter. Agree with Michael Coare, Bob's is a neat installation !
Mike Haworth
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Pipe runs
Finally got to the shed. The pipe run on mine exits upwards from the pump return, goes over the top of the gearbox and down to the filter. Then returns by a loop under the box and back up to the tank. It takes forever for the oil to return after a drain down. And I have to make sure it won't chafe through. It's frankly an aesthetic disaster.
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Bob needs to go in business
Bob needs to go in business as his mounting looks very neat.
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Mine is mounted on the lower cross tube behind the gearbox, using an old 'tank rubber' as an insulator. The hose from the oil return union on the timing chest has to be longer than original and goes to the 'in' fitting on the housing. Another new hose comes from the filter back to the oil tank return fitting. Mine are normal 'rubber' oil pipes, and have read of people who used the metal braided piped finding that they do a good job of sawing through things. The pipes run across the top of the gearbox, and maybe this area could be considered the messiest bit of the whole set-up
Issues? Only one for me was self inflicted: When I first fitted it, I installed it on the bike as a complete assembly and when I did my first oil change, found that I hadn't left enough room for the filter to unscrew as it hit the right hand frame loop. Easy fix - move housing to the left a bit more.
I added a 'mud flap' to the front edge of the (non standard) rear mudguard to keep the road crap off the filter area.
Hopefully the pictures below will show you what it looks like in place. Excuse the oily drips - these are on the winter job list to fix.