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Tay Valley Applecross weekend

We are having an informal camping weekend in Applecross, Wester Ross, Scotland over the weekend of July 20th -22nd.

Hopefully see some of you there, no band this year, just a quiet??? Blether

For Camp site bookings please book direct at

For B&B try the Inn in the first intance at


I'm hoping to ride up on my Commando but only if the weather forecast is OK as it will be a ride of wellover 600 miles for me. I've been told I cant get there in one day from Essex. What do you think? Sounds like a challange!



Hi Alan,

I went up to the Applecross do three years ago and did it in one hit, that was 630 miles. I did not manage the trip back in one day though. Had an excellent time and it is to berecommended.



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