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Oil Pump To Timing Case Fibre Washer


Hi, could anyone advise me on where to source a fibre washer fora 1948model 18'oil pump to timing case' (image attached).

I have quickly searched the NOC Shop, unfortunately there appears to be nothing suitable for this pump.

The measurments taken with a vernier caliper are:

9/16" OD x 1/4" ID x 1/16" Thick ?.

Please correct me ifI am wrong, any info would be much appreciated.



Hi karl, the image you show does not show any fibre washer but it does show the rubber conical washer, do you mean this?

The NOC shop does have these as "Oil pump conical seal - oil pump to timing cover"

Otherwise there is a paper washer that you can use but it is really only standard for later Commados



BTW: The paper washer is between the back of the pump and crankcases and helps seal the oilholes at the back of it.



Hi Les, many thanks for your reply, the owners manual for this model year shows a fibre washer? could you please advise me on a part number for the conical washer as there appears to be a few options.




Previously wrote:

Hi, could anyone advise me on where to source a fibre washer fora 1948model 18'oil pump to timing case' (image attached).

I have quickly searched the NOC Shop, unfortunately there appears to be nothing suitable for this pump.

The measurments taken with a vernier caliper are:

9/16" OD x 1/4" ID x 1/16" Thick ?.

Please correct me ifI am wrong, any info would be much appreciated.

You can get the fibre washer from Norvil. Thats where I got mine.


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