Dear all,
My Navigator engine rebuild saga continues with the question of whether to use the new Roller / Drive Side Main Bearings Part No: 20726 supplied by Norvil which, although the correct size and with the correct larger radius ground to fit the crank are a very different design to the originals as shown in the attached photos.
You will see that instead of an outer shell that presses in to the drive side crankcase the whole roller bearing presses in to the crankcase and the inner race which presses on the crankshaft is removable. The cage for the rollers is also just pressed together instead of being riveted which seems far less robust / lower quality.
Has anyone used these drive side main bearings from Norvil and can provide feeback over quality and any issues in fitting them? The club shop is out of stock at the moment but the picture of the bearing they use as an illustration is the same as my original bearings. Do they have a better source and are they going to restock?
Am I worrying over much? My instinct is to return them and try and source some NOS bearings - sadly when I phoned today Les at Russell Motorcycles is off work at the moment for a couple of weeks so I don't know if they have any in stock. Any suggestions of where to source some?
Cheers, Nick
Roller mains with loose inner race
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Hi Peter, Thank you so much…
Hi Peter,
Thank you so much for that excellent advice, you have just confirmed what my gut feeling was - definitely not an option to use if there are better, original design and quality bearings available. I will return the roller bearing to Norvil and wait until I can source a proper replacement. Do you know if the club Dommie roller bearings are either NOS or the same design and build quality as OEM so worth buying and getting ground to fit the Navigator? If not do you know of a source NOS or OEM Lightweight bearings?
Cheers. Nick
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I fitted a set of those loose inner race bearings to my 650 and was horrified by the amount of pitting plus a bad score mark evident on the rollers when I checked the bottom end 1,000 miles later. Possibly this is why C3 or 3 dot clearance is specified for them to help cope with the rubbish that the oil system carries around. I then fitted an external oil filter to my bike.
I know that fitting a cartridge oil filter to a Lightweight is not that easy but this would go some way to help sifting the muck out of the oil.
Is it possible to drill the outer race to fabricate an oil drain?
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Main bearings
After learning my lesson, have
e bought main bearings from NOC in the past. Once heavyweight bearings and twice lightweight bearings. All looked up to the job with proper riveted cages per original design. I bought the heavyweight bearings because l/w out of stock and ground the internal radius myself.
Past performance is no guarantee of the future.
I think it unlikely the NOC would now sell a poorer type of bearing. Very much doubt any NOS bearings available in useable condition after 60 years.
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Agree with above. Unless you…
Agree with above. Unless you can find a way of fitting a drain hole in the outer of the bearing & its seating to allow oil (& any foreign matter) to drain away, I would avoid this 'U' shaped outer bearing.
If clear of swarf & well lubed, I'm sure this is a capable bearing. Maybe its intended to work horizontally on a vertical shaft?
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Andover Norton Roller Main Bearing
Hi Andy, Peter and Philip,
The Roller Main Bearing saga continues!
Thinking the best solution to tracking down a decent quality roller main bearing would be to buy a Dominator bearing from Andover Norton and having it ground to fit I ordered one and it was duly delivered. Clearly excellent build quality but very disappointingly it is the same U shaped design with a seperate inner journal as the one from Norvil so comes with the problem of not being 'self cleaning / draining' as you have all pointed out!!!! Photo attached for comparison.
Have any of you used these bearings on either a Domi or a Leightweight and if so do they come with the same wear problems you experienced? Am I worrying over much?
In desperation I contacted both Ransom (3MRJA30M) and Hoffman (L4621V3) bearings to see if they have original bearings in stock - the good news is they do.....the bad news is they are charging £135 for a bearing that the club used to sell for £45.........daylight robbery!
I then phoned Russell Motorcycles to see if they have any NOS bearings but sadly Les is off sick at the moment and wont be back for at least a month - very frustrating!
Has anyone know of any other sources of the correct bearings at a sensible price? A couple of weeks ago I emailed the NOS folk asking if they have plans for getting a new batch of bearings ground but I have had no reply.
I would welcome any ideas because the engine is ready to be rebuilt and is only awaiting the roller main!
Cheers Nick
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Hi Nick,
MRJA30 bearing will get you what you need for the Navigator. Henderson bearings?
Try stabbing this into the search engine.
Should always be an outer race with one lip, inner race with two lips.
My Norton Twin manual agrees.
They never used to be that expensive. A regular clearance will be OK for your 20 HP.
Good hunting.
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A quick search...
... on Simply Bearings show 2 versions - one RHP.
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Main Bearings
When I rebuilt my Jubilee in 1994 I fitted FAG roller bearings, as in the Commando. I just had them machined to match the radius on the crankshaft and that was it. They’re still there, never going to wear out. As the original ball bearings in the lightweights were the same size as in the Dominators, you’d think they’d be bullet proof, but they’re not for a couple of reasons. I figured that main bearings tough enough for a Commando 850 should last for ever though and it looks as if they are going to. Mine came from Norvil then, I don’t see any reason not to use them.
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Correct Main a cost!
Well, it has taken me three months and cost me a small fortune but I have at last managed to source the correct drive side main bearing bearing (Norton part no: 20726 and Ransom bearing no: 3MRJA30M) for my Navigator engine rebuild!
As previously posted the bearings Norvil and Andover offered undoubtedly fit but are of a very different design to the original and the NOC shop are out of stock. My only other source of original Mains I could think of was Russell Motors in London but Les has been off work with a shoulder injury for the last few months. When he did come back he searched his stores but sadly has none left in stock.
A wider search of Ransom bearing suppliers finally came up with success with Orinoco Bearings in Leeds (tel 01132631913 or or ). I spoke to a really helpful and knowledgable chap called Graham Naughton who did a search on the Ransom part number and confirmed the good news they have a limited number still in stock (they also have the timing side bearing but these are available through Norvil at a very reasonable price so I have purchased on from them).
The bad news is they are priced at £130 each!!! After agonising for some weeks I finally decided that having already invested a small fortune in time and money sourcing rare original spares to produce the best engine that I can I couldn't spoil a ship for a ha'pth of tar and ordered one. I have attached a couple of photos to show the excellent quality of the bearings which are to the original design.
After all that I can now start the engine rebuild......I hope the information helps others in the same position. Onwards and upwards!!!
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Just The Job have done well and your diligent research has paid off.......albeit nearly costing an arm and two legs. Anna Dixon recommends this brand of bearings so extra brownie points for that.
This has been a very interesting thread with tankfuls of useful information being bandied to and fro. The Town Crier is often out and about with regards to fitting 'superblend' bearings on a 'twin' crankshaft but as Peter Holland points out ........these can be a collecting trough for any debris washing around the engine. Which makes me wonder how Commando owners get away with fitting a pair of such bearings?
The first Model 7 engine had a sump plug but without a filter. Any junk material in the oil was washed around the inside of the engine before being sucked into the oil pump and then dumped into the oil tank. Where a coarse filter caught the bugs, leaves and road grit but then fed anything smaller back into the lubrication system. Some of these early Dominator engines also had a 'non-return' ball valve fitted to the oil supply plumbing but this useful gear was soon to be an ex-item due to the dodgy oil causing the ball to stick either open or closed.
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Wow Nick,
I have some experience here. As a cheapscape Yorkshire Norton owner I asked my local bearing supplier if they had anything that I could use for a lightweight. A roller bearing of the type you photograph was supplied and I duly ground the inner race to suit.
In service the outer race trough catches any and all wear debris. No amount of oil mist in the crankcase ever washes the dirt and debris from the outer race. When standing, the dirty oil sits in the bottom of the outer race trough.
Contrast this with the normal design for Norton's. The outer race is L-shaped, not U-shaped. Oil splash and mist is constantly cleaning and removing any wear particles or dirt from the outer race.
After 5,000 mile my drive side bearing was shot. I should have been more careful and less penny pinching. The replacement, of proper automotive design, which I should have bought in the first place, is fine.
I had already told Phil Hannam and Andy Sochanik about this issue, so it is a bit Deja-vu. Disappointing to see these bearings being sold for Lightweights.
Best Regards