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Exhausts - Norton Manxman 650 1961 export model

See below application for commissioning of a part. If you also require the same part or know where they can be obtained. Please respond accordingly.

Note:- The NOC does possess drawings of these exhausts.

Description of Part Required   silencers part numbers from the Norton Manxman parts Manual february 1961  part number 23174 right hand silencer and part number 23437 left hand silencer hand made to order. These silencers have a mushroom cone on the inside at the end of the center baffle and there is a out baffle and center baffle and the sound is a deep baratone and runs queterter then any other silencer and speaicl to The Norton Manxman 650 witch only 3 batchs were made some 560 motorcycles in all  and only 53 found to date 12 are in england 

                                                          Left hand exhaust pipe full bore. 23432L and right hand exhaust pipe full bore 1.5/8ths part number 23433R

Model Number required for.     1960/61   Export only  650cc Norton Manxman

Part Number                                  23432L and 23433R

Routes to acquire tried and response received

 Tried to persuade NOC to make some

 Worn or damaged part available as pattern.             Yes

Based on price for similar parts, what would you expect to pay (give range)

                                                    exhuest pippes   £300-00 a pair, chromed.


Please note that the drawings held by NOC do not have enough information to make a set of pipes. They are indicative and both drawings defer to the production prototype which defines the final shape.

Sadly, a worn or damaged sample will have to be used in conjunction with the drawings. I'm sure the inspection of exhausts was done by putting them, or the first samples from a batch, on a machine.


A learned friend tells me this is a full bore exhaust at 1 5/8 inches from end to end. Not very common in UK.

Would one of the more common reduced diameter pipes, which suited the same port detail and silencer inlet, be suitable here. I'm thinking 99, 650ss and Atlas.?

Peter Holland



hello Now I do beleave you guys are out of touch with parts prices On these Silencer For a start off the chroming alone is 220 quid each silencer to be chromed  and I mean chromed not just dripped for 30 seconds,  your prices are for rice bowl money And these part are not just cosmetic as you put it these part are what make a Manxman 650 and the engine doesn't run good with anything else  why just look at your parts book  changed parts number for the 650ss  And yes peter these Norton Manxman 650s were Export machines  Not For The UK     And I am making this request on behalf for all other Norton members  world wide  and not just for the UK   and you need to be thinking world wide  Norton parts trade now even the japanese are paying big money for our old Nortons along with china and Malaysia Africa New Zealand Australia Sweden Norway and South America  along with Canada and the good old USA     the Classic market is now world wide we have 5000 members world wide  So do parts for them not just for the UK     And these silencer are not like your tin can peashooters   that can be made by a robot   Manxman silencers are handmade by craftsmen witch are not easy to make there is a lot more going on inside these silencers then meets the eye  And we have little of these skills are more to busy with a peace of plastic in their hands called a smartphone which now is runing your life for you         yours anna


We have some 1"5/8 pipes on the Atlas that I once thought could be Manxman, very tight in the rose and with odd inward bends to amply clear the RC  but after looking at lots of early pictures ,the really  impressive MM pipes have a very gracefull sweep down from the ports and an equally impressive upward sweep with the silencer.I can well  imagine this would be very hard to make consistantly  by hand (which they were) and get to fit easily enough for a production line to function. 


My experience getting quality pipes for Norton's is a headache speaking from half a world away my experience has been disappointing, 10 years ago I purchased a set of header pipes for my 60SS from UK's second preferred supplier which wouldn't fit, I complained and the reply was " we have never had a problem before" 10 years later a friend purchased a set for his Mercury from the same vendor and encountered the same problems, as we are half a world away from the suppliers the cost of returning faulty products is prohibitive so when I order a product I expect it to be "right", add to this as I also have an Atlas which I believe was factory fitted with a large bore pipe with a kink in the right header, please recommend a supplier that supplies said pipes, sorry I am of the view that close is not good enough and that we are mere custodians for future generations therefor I would like to leave them as correct as possible. 


Hi Alan, I would get some SH orriginals refurbished and get a little more room in the rose nuts with a light cut on a lathe.


I would like to point out the aim of this particular forum.

 This Forum is designed to support this process by encouraging members to apply for parts to be commissioned by the club.

So if anyone wants to add their name to the list stating they too would like a particular part, or alternatively where such a part is available or could be made available, that would be really useful.

What this is NOT intended for is further discussion on the issues we already understand. This is why we started this process in the first place.

If only one person want a cosmetic item made, then it is unlikely to happen. If a number of people want an 'Off The Road' part made, then we will look to getting parts manufactured. I am sure everyone understands the difference in cost of a one off compared to a small batch.



Sometimes you have to feel sorry for those hard working people who are helping to run the NOC on our behalf. I note in the postings above one of them asking a simple question to which a yes or no answer or at worst a short sentence would have have been quite sufficient in terms of a response.

Instead, the lucky chap gets a lengthy speech that is worthy of a drunken best man at a wedding reception. NOC helper number 2 chips in by pointing out that this thread is actually designed for other purposes such as nominating parts that the NOC could get made and gets a verbal hand smacking the size of a Bible. 

I fully appreciate that Manxman exhaust pipes and silencers is an unknown territory for most people reading this thread but their chances of learning any facts about these parts are being swamped by the heaps of rubbish that keep being posted. Can somebody wake the moderator up please?


......seem to have been translated from English into some strange tongue and then back into English again.  I am an uninformed and disinterested party in this space.

Mark Twain did this with his Jumping Frog yarn:

"The Jumping Frog: In English, Then in French, Then Clawed Back Into a Civilized Language Once More by Patient, Unremunerated Toil"


If you are informed and interested enough to have closely studied  the early pictures of the bikes and seen them in the flesh,in the day, you may come to the conclusion that there were several versions of "orriginal" . Do the Factory drawings still exist.? What version of orriginal does Anna want to re-create?.I know Anna has access to orriginal silencers. But are these the same  ones that other owners want? Ditto pipe shape.


Thanks for your comments guys.

We know the part number of the pipes fitted to 1961 Manxman. From the parts list. See header post.

We know from the drawings 23432 and 23433 :-

That they appear full bore 1 5/8 ins. 

The RH pipe turns inward about 1 ins after leaving the exhaust port, then curves down. The LH just curves down.

The drawings suggest that the pipes are also used on 1961 model 99. (which market? UK? USA? other country?)

Do they look like this?

Certainly, these look like the pipes in the drawings. Baxter thought so too.

And I believe the USA 1963/1964 models 650, 99, and Atlas might have used them too. Anyone got the parts lists for these models showing 23432 and 23433 headers?

I believe the UK models 650, 99, Atlas, in 1963/1964, used a reduced diameter exhaust pipe, with the same exhaust port and silencer inlet detail. 24020 and 24021.

The best suggestion I have for the owner who started this thread is that they fit the reduced diameter pipe, which Norton thought good enough for the later UK models and which was easier to produce reliably (by hand). or, if they really think the performance is going to be unacceptably downgraded, they wrap some heat resistant bandage over their rusty exhaust, perhaps with weld repairs, and continue at 107mph, or whatever maximum speed they enjoy.

I can't find anyone who has the full bore exhausts in stock.

Peter Holland




Hello Peter, yes I have a master parts list for 1966/ 67/ 68 and yes it lists 23432 & 23433 as exhaust pipe bare 650SS, Atlas, further more here in New Zealand in the 80's & 90's we were lucky enough to have a number of people importing a number of containers of British M/cycles mostly from USA, at one time I owned a '67 Atlas with about 7000 miles original paint and exhausts and yes they were large bore, all I really want is to find a supplier who can supply a quality set of the same [ large bore ] can you recommend a supplier please don't say RGM because both my friend and my self had bad experiences with sets for our 650's and as from here freight costs are too expensive to return faulty products, sorry it may sound if I am bleeting but as I have been restoring Norton's for a number of years it seems the problem seems to be getting worse.


If you fit the very curved Manxman pipes to a 650 ss  I think you will find there is no room for the silencer hangers needed for the SS silencers .That says to me that whatever the part numbers say the pipes must have been straightened out for the SS and Atlas.If you compare the look of Anna's bike to the factory Adds of the Manxman its clear that Anna:s  Atlas pipes  have a very different line and look. My very old 1"5/8 Atlas pipes have the Odd inward bends but then run straight back and only just allow the space for the Hanger brackets.I would bet I could make them fit (after a fashion!) a Manxman with its special silencers ,but it would look wrong.

hello Robert yes my Manxam as the factory special parts and has custom riders lift up foot rest as standard add on to   this bike and is stamp marked 65C 288th to be made and completed in 7th of december 1960 made in small batchs over 2 or 3 days per batch depending on parts available at the Time of manufacture   and now my Manxman has full bore pipes fitted I had to buy 5 pairs to get the nearest fit as most of the right hand ones wanted to go under the frame So I have had to warm one up and fit it to the engine wile hot and glowing and with a long scaffold pipe over the end of the exhaust pipe  bent it out ward so it then lines up with the silencer as you cannot adjust the silencer bracket as it is a welded angle spaped bracket  and is fitted to the footrest hanger at the left side you have a one half inch spacer to space the left hand silencer off from the back brake plate,  if you all take a look on you tube you find mike tyie doing a 3D scan on Manxman pipes and silencer IE mufflers In a Portland Oregon old patents and molding factory  its very interesting to watch   and you will enjoy it,  now Mike is going to get a set of pipes and silencers made and will be posting this video footage on youtube   for you guys   Yours  Anna J


OK, so who did not read my post:-

I would like to point out…

I would like to point out the aim of this particular forum.

 This Forum is designed to support this process by encouraging members to apply for parts to be commissioned by the club.


So PLEASE post on the appropriate forum, not this one.




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