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Alton Starter Motor failed


Alton starter motor failure

Hi, does anyone know the make and model the starter motor?. Mine is getting on for 10 years old and 25,000 miles, the starter motor stalls and won't turn the engine over even with a new battery fitted. I see Alan Hesslewood had a similar problem some time ago but was able to replace the brushes with some he already had. I would like to strip the starter and possibly do the same although there isn't room to be able to remove the brush cover fully with the motor in place. It seems the motor is a Mitsuba starter and looking at prices I do think that I may even be better off replacing the motor, my cummutator looks pretty worn.

Does anyone know which model of Mitsuba the starter is?

Has anyone had any experience in removing the starter motor?

Seeing Andrew Frejek's comment in a previous topic, and from my own experience, I do wonder if a more powerful (4 brush motor) might really be the answer? Mine always seemed on the edge when it came to driving the engine over compression.

I have emailed Paul Haman but previous experience tells me that a reply may take a long time.


Paul at Alton gives great customer service, I would suggest you persevere with trying to contact him directly (he is always very responsive on Facebook)

I believe the motor housings are bespoke, so I guess you’d struggle to source a replacement from anywhere else. 



I found the starter motor I robbed the brushes out of in the garage today. Measuring the brush holders they appear to be 6 X 10mm by 10mm long, Brushes of all sizes are available cheaply on the internet and can be filed down a bit if slightly too big, I would recommend a smear of silicone sealer on the cover joint on reassembly to keep the damp out. 

Best Regards, Al.


Check all your cable connections are clean and tight. I just fitted a new battery as it was 8 years old and getting a bit sluggish. Only when tightening up the terminal connections did I see that the other end of the cable at the solenoid end was loose!

Regards, Al.


On my Alton starter, I discovered that the starter motor can be removed from the r.h.side by withdrawing the 2x 7mm hex, approx. 6 inch long bolts, without having to dismantle the primary drive.
Chris M


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