Hello, I've had nortons off and on since I was seventeen, I think? Navigator, Dommie and for the last 15 years a commando 850 mk3. I was a member for many years and found the technial help invaluable. Theyaki was the nom de plume. Anyway to the present day. After a large op the surgeon said that trying to kick start an 850 commando was now out of the question. Spend a fortune on a second hand 961 sport then ! Cut down on beer and food now required. Now to the problem. I decided to fit a lead for a bc bravo battery charger so had to remove seat and tank. After lying down on cusions! and looking up I noticed to my horror that the plastic plate held on by the 3 allen screws for the number plate carrier was cracked in several directions !! The washers for the screws are very small so vibrations are possibly responsible? Price of new part, I hate to think! I' m not a rich kid who has bought one for prestige or as an investment as some people do. Anyway I've fitted new washers (pictures attached) to try and stop this. I superglued the cracks beforehand. Have a look if you own a mk1 . Possible design fault? Roy Jack. Ps the rubber washers were norton tank rubbers, part no 060648 , 32mm and 40mm stainless penny washers. Can't make it worse!!!!
Thanks for that. The "hugger…
Thanks for that. The "hugger?" Seems to be as new? Possibly could be. Will strengthen anyway, as I dont want to buy three! !! The paint under the back plate holder is dry and just turns to dust! Would have expected a lot lot better for the money? Surely quality control is lax? It is a great looking bike and hope to get things sorted. Roy.
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number plate brace
My 2013 961 had cracks as you described so I made a U shaped bracket to brace the assembly between the indicators When I got my 2017 961 I was amazed to see this bracket is now standard Have a look on a MK2 bike to see it
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Didn't think It was a one…
Didn't think It was a one off problem. Seriously under supported for plastic! Is it too muh to ask for a photo of your bracket as the chances of me seeing a Mk2 in scotland are remote to say the least! I think the washer fix will work but why not make it foolproof with bracket as well! Many Thanks. Photo included of bike that will start on the button, eventually!!! 15 years of failure so far. Sorry photo blurred so deleted.Roy.
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Battery Charger
did you check inside the rear lug on the frame under the seat, Norton fitted a charging lead on more recent bikes - not sure when they started but worth a look (right hand side)
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Numberplate Bkt Photo
Photo of underside of bike showing the U bracing bracket for number plate assy on mk2 bikes
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Yep. That would stop the…
Yep. That would stop the indicators trying to go in seperate directions. Will attempt to fabricate! E-Mailed the factory about the cracks and the mk2 bracket. Still no reply? On holiday in the isle of man still? I await! Many thanks for photo. Roy.
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Roy , another thing to check while your at it is the rear hugger. If it's a plastic one like mine check for fractures in the plastic around the bolt holes , I am on my third one now , if its a posh carbon fibre one you should be ok.
When I removed the hugger I found that grit and road crud had got in between the plastic and the top of the swingarm causing paint loss and sight rusting. After repairing the paintwork I put a bead of silicon around the lower edge of the hugger to stop any more gunge getting in there.
While your at it check the condition of the paint on all the metal parts as they were definitely a bit mean with the old powder coating at the paint shop, I had to repaint all my arse end metalwork after only three years...................but I still love it to bits.