I'm about to refit my MK2a primary chain case cover. I will be using a new sealing ring. Two questions, is it recommended to use any sealant as well as the sealing ring? In such applications, if it's advised, I normally use blue Hylomar. Secondly is there a recommended torque to apply to the centre fixing sleeve nut or is is supposed to bottom out. I can see it would be easy to distort the large cover if you get it wrong.
Never had a leak problem…
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Important that the inner…
Important that the inner primary case has been shimmed correctly on the centre bolt behind the case, otherwise the inner primary may distort when tightening the centre fixing nut.
I used some clear silicone RTV on the lower half of the case seal as a precautionary measure since I was switching to ATF oil. No problems so far!
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Never had a leak problem with sealing ring fitted either dry or with a smear of oil without any sealant on my MK1a 850. Also used same ring several times after having primary cover off. I'm sure there's a recommended torque figure for the central nut but I've always just tightened up by feel without any problem - you'd have to be really ham fisted to distort the cover being cast alloy. If any doubt tighten up with a light touch first time and if any sign of oil weep at bottom of cover just give it a bit more.