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Primary Chain

I used to run my 99 with a 21 tooth engine sprocket, I liked it for touring. I decided to replace the chain and then discovered that I should have had an extra half link, oops, I've been running with a stretched chain. Currently I'm back to 20t and a new chain. I see half links on offer but they use a tiny split pin to secure the roller pin. Now many years ago in the racing paddocks we would rivet or peen the end of the pin.  My question, are these split pin configurations reliable?  

"The Chain Man" attends most of the bike jumbles and shows. Might be worth a look at his website (, I think he only does bike chains so should know his stuff.

Primary chains are pretty reliable if lubricated and properly adjusted, the dommy chain adjuster is a bit prone to moving or seizing solid , so a regular check on oil and slack is good practise and will pay dividends


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