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AMC gearbox internal swop Matchless to Norton


Hi, I have a complete M designated AMC gearbox and a similar complete AMC N designated Norton gearbox Shell.
Can all the internal be swopped from the one to the other ?? and what sort of problem am I likely to encounter e.g. shaft lengths ratios cam plate action etc.
Any help would be much appreciated,


The shells were different of course in terms of orientation, but the "AMC" box which was really Norton's (or Sturmey Archer's) was designed to be used across the range. The internals should all be interchangeable for a given year.


The Internals should all be interchangable for a given year. 
Can we quote you on this Richard??


The bits will fit in the shell, but whether it fits your bike may be different! The main thing to watch is The sleeve gear, I think someone told me there were 5 different ones which may affect clutch clearance. There are also different gear ratios to figure in as well.  But in principle its a straight swap. Or it was when I did it! ! 


and mainshaft length , projecting out of box, can vary, depending on what it has been adapted to in the past.


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