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55, es2 engine

i have always had a knocking noise on my engine, thought it to be the big end. you could hear it more when the tick over faltered now and again, the engine made a heavy knocking sound.

anyway,  it all started when i was going to fit a magneto chain. my socket stuck on the magneto drive nut. i tried to remove it bye shaking it up and down. it reveiled the knock i have always heard on the engine. you could move the magneto drive end nut up and down about 2mm or more. 

on stripping the mag i eventually found it to be the drive end bearing. it had no insulating washer on it, well i didnt see one present. the two mag bearings had no lubricant on them either. 

on fitting a new drive end bearing race with its insulator, it pulled in ok but when i tried the armature in, the bearing race just popped out, as i pulled the armature back out. just wonder now if the bearing has been spinning in the caseing. wonder if anyone else has had troubles along this line.

the mag is still on the bike.








I think the saga just illustrates how we all need to think about our bikes and understand exactly how it all works, and not just follow 50 year old Haynes manuals (good though they are) or even older Norton's manuals (not their strongpoint!). 


Hi Russ,   We are all very different, I have been working on bikes and cars for 63 years but don’t have a single part number remembered . Some members have stored (and can quote ) part numbers for most of their bike. We have time served engineers and happy fiddlers like me . If you wait long enough someone will turn up with the answer to just about anything. It’s a fantastic resource that needs to be nurtured and used to keep alive for all .  Keep posting , we all need our brains testing!!


I think there are thicker than standard washers available which might be worth trying (from Brightspark magneto’s I think).





thanks, John . i ended up replacing the insulator around the drive end bearing race for a much thicker type that i had from a previouse mag i did. the bearing race pulled in ok, and is as tight fit as you would expect it to be. so, will give it a try.




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