I saw this on the Access norton website, all it needs ate some slightly lower bars and I could be persuaded to dig into my piggy bank.
Its a pity it is unlikely to be built.
That Fastback looks really…
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Just like the real thing..…
Just like the real thing....... I particularly like the exposed rear master cylinder, even if it is on the wrong side.
That would sell, no doubt about it.
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I could find a reason to n…
I could find a reason to need one of those.
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Loose the master cylinder…
Loose the master cylinder reservoir on the handle bar, other than that....
absolutely lovely. Does anyone know where the sketch/idea came from?
If that went into production, I may just have some explaining to do to the finance manager. (SWMBO)
Regards, Tim
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The name of the designer i…
The name of the designer is on the picture, he was sending it to a number of websites for comment
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Yes, I noticed the name bu…
Yes, I noticed the name but on his web site he says he uses the psudenym of OBIBOI for work that's done for his own pleasure where there is no customer so I assumed, probably wrongly, as this was signed in his name, that it was a commision from a customer. Check his site out, he's done a whole range of 961 Commando's, amongst shed loads of other stuff, quite impressive. There's a proddy racer, a classic Roadster style, a John player & a scrambler as well as the fast back.
Regards, Tim
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to save people having to d…
to save people having to do too much digging...
And the resthttp://www.coroflot.com/Obiboi/MOTORCYCLE-DESIGN
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That Fastback looks really nice!!!!!!