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Layshaft Advice


I'm investigating why my gearbox kickstart action is so heavy. It's not the pawl and layshaft end float seemed acceptable according to the Old Britts tech pages anyway. 

I've done a basic check of all the gears that are accessible with the gearbox still in the frame and the chains still in place. 

I've found some issues with fourth and third layshaft gears and wanted to ask for suggestions and advice.

  1. The fourth layshaft gear is an interference fit and will probably need to be driven onto the layshaft. I've seen videos where this is definitely not the case - which is right?
  2. This gear seems damaged at the bearing end - ie the end with the flange and the 5 - see pictures
  3. The third gear layshaft bush needed pressing out and is quite badly gouged - see pictures - what could have caused this? I've ordered a new bush but worry that the inner face might be damaged
  4. The layshaft looks ok and seems to be straight but to be honest I've been wrong before!

 So, please have a gander at the photos and let me know if anything jumps out at you - pun intended. 



4th gear does not move along shaft when operating but should be free to go on and off.  It looks as if perhaps that spline in the gear needs cleaning up after perhaps being bashed?  It's speculation but if it is jammed on the shaft just a few thousandths out of place, its easy to imagine how it might jam up end float and explain why it's so stiff
You might need a carbide tip burr tool in a Dremel...gears are very hard!


On your first photo, the splines look damaged as David has also observed. Dress the splines back to square and it may allow proper sliding motion on the layshaft.


It's possible that the box has been operated with some of the gears in wrong positions and the damage is historic , but nothing looks unusable after some careful fetling with small stones either by hand or Dremel, But be suspicious and check everything is in its correct position and is the right part .


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