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Roller bearings for mains?


In this part of the world, lipped rollers for singles seem to be just about unavailable. Other bikes of the era used ballbearings, has anyone tried three RLS 8 bearings in an ES2. There shouldnt be a problem, Matchless used two on the drive side, Ariel used one on the timing side.Neither of these motors were subject to main bearing problems, even when dragging along a sidecar.The other alternative is to grind the mainshafts and use ISO size bearings.


Hello John,

I believe the bearings you mention are available in both the RGM and Norvil catalogs, I would try them before grinding down the main shafts to 25mm and coming up with either a sleeve or boring out the cases to fit a different sized roller bearing diameter. Big end bearings and cam shaft bushes are offered as well, the catalogs are free if you ask for one.




Hello Albert, I put three rls 8s in it as I wanted to use it on the weekend. Youre right about not bothering with alterations, Ill never wear it out.Its allready had the top end repaired with odd bits, and thats enough. Regards John.


Hello again john,

Your Easy 2 will most likely outlast either of us with the rls 8 bearings, I am presuming that you are referring to ball bearings, Norton's tended to over-engineer their singles, consequently they'll last forever, if the owner keeps up his or her end of the bargain.

Interestingly, the crank will likely spin a bit easier with the slightly reduced rolling resistance of the ball bearings.

Several years ago, I think it was "The Classic Motorcycle" ran an article on a fellow who used his ancient Norton to haul fire wood, he would pile this home built sidecar with about a ton of wood and trundle this assemblage to his customers. I doubt if he went much over 25 MPH with that load. and his gearing had to have used the smallest sprockets he could find. I wonder if he is still with us?




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