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New French member



New French member, Nortoniste since 1968, I had a Dominator 88,99,650 SS,then MK2,MK4 (the best) commando and for 20 years one 850 MK3.

A question that we often settle in France : how much NORTON built of commando in totality ?

Sorry for my poor English language.

Good evening.


Previously wrote:

Between 50 - 55000 I believe, I wonder how many are still going around?

Hello Gino,

Thank you very much for your answer, I thought a little more, but it is true that NORTON was a small firm.Today, in France, there are several hundreds which run where in state to run, it is " trendy ", very trendy, a big craze which has for result ...................... prohibitive prices for commando squads.Good evening, Francis


Oui 55000 n'est pas tant mais bon pour faire de la marque exclusive. Vous avez une trÃ?s bonne organisation Norton en France, son temps nous avions un autre rassemblement international en France.Le Commando a toujours Ã?tÃ? Ã la mode ..... dans mon esprit toute faÃ?on


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