I am restoring a Norton Dominator 1955 88 Deluxe
The Magneto has a short problem across the Contact breaker points.
When I put my meter across the points with them closed I get a positive reading, when I turn the magneto so the points are open, I still get a positive reading across the the points.
When I remove the plate that the points are mounted on and put the meter across the points open I get a negative reading.
I cannot work out where this shorts out. Is there some insulating washers or something missing that is causing this problem.
Grateful if anyone knows.
Len Adams
This may be normal .
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It is normal. You cannot…
You cannot use a simple timing light bulb with a magneto. Hence the 'cigarette paper' instructions.
The moving contact is earthed. And the fixed contact is wired to earth through the primary windings. So they are both earthed, although one has a higher resistance path to earth.
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This is NOT....
This is not a fault it is the primary winding of the magneto.
WE do not smoke cigarettes these days, but aos services sells a light unit that test the opening of the points.
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The low tension circuit has…
The low tension circuit has resistance so low that it is not discernible on an everyday multimeter.
You're using strange language about "a positive reading" and "a negative reading," when I think you're trying to measure resistance or continuity.
Does it spark?
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yes just youse a lcr meter …
yes just youse a lcr meter
and measure the inductance then its easy
with a ohm merer its imposable to do as you will all ways have the primary coil in the circuit
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Think I will invest in one…
Think I will invest in one of Al's timing lights .
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Not wishing to take away…
Not wishing to take away business from our Wizard of Oz, but a packet of Rizlas is a darn sight cheaper! But you might get an odd look from your newsagent...
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You can use any thin plastic…
You can use any thin plastic film or the thinnest feeler gauge.
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I use scraps of aluminium…
I use scraps of aluminium kitchen foil
but I think I'll get one of Al's devices...its too much of a challenge to eyesight, dexterity and athleticism.
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I use kitchen foil...
.. like David as it's much stronger than Rizlas.
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People aren't smoking enough…
People aren't smoking enough these days.
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NOCers of a similar vintage may recall Alf Garnet betting the Scouse Git who could give up smoking the longest. Of course, Alf cracks first, and is caught puffing away on his pipe. He goes into a big long speech about how much tobacco tax he pays, to the benefit of the Exchequer, concluding with
"I'm smoking for Britain!"
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Don't forget
to first file or stone the points flat with a suitable medium.
Over time, in use the points suffer from an electrical transfer of metal, this creates a pip on one point, and a crater on the other. If this is severe enough, using a rigid feeler gauge will end up giving you an oversize gap, with a consequential effect on the timing if not corrected.
Admittedly more of an issue on a coil setup, as the energy level is higher. (prepares to be shot down in flames. Again....)
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This may be normal .