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Isolastic experiences


Hi All

I know - yet another isolastic thread.....

I need to renew the isolastics on my 750 and am uncertain about which ones to buy

I have read that some makes transmit more vibration and are not as effective as the originals.

I would be grateful for feedback and experience from anyone who has fitted Andover, RGM, Norvil etc versions.




Trying to find out exactly which are the right ones to use is difficult as all seem to have supplied too hard ones at some point. I still have my 850 originals in place and plan to keep them as long as possible.

Norman White says he only fits Andover Norton as they are back to using the softer rubber.

Norvil seem to use an odd inner tube with a slack fit so IMHO that rules them out regardless of rubber softest.

RGM say they have gone back to soft too.

So based on Norman White I have used AN for my Combat but cannot give you anymore info until its on the road which is some time yet. The AN rubbers do feel as soft as the non vernier set that came out of this bike.


I've recently installed Andover replacements in my 850, the originals were ragged

Took a few miles to bed in, they now seem fine



I had AN isolastic rubbers fitted a couple of years ago. Were  a definite improvement on the 40+ year old originals.



I've recommissioned my Fastback with new Iso rubbers bought from AN last year. So far it's only done a handful of miles while sorting out teething troubles with carbs, but the results so far are:

Adjusted to 0.000" with Hemmings vernier conversion; initially some tendency to walk across the garage floor when revved on the centre stand, but subjectively perfectly acceptable smoothness both on tickover and under way at moderate speed (also running in new pistons and valves/guides).

I'm attaching a couple of pictures of the rubbers that were replaced (fitted to the bike when bought in 2016). I believe the technical term is "completely shagged".

The engine/gearbox assembly moved a lot, but surprisingly both subjective vibration and handling were fine. Unfortunately I never thought to measure the clearances before dismantling, but never felt the need to, given acceptable performance. The state of the rubbers was startling, but not a total surprise given the foregoing.



Thanks for all your feedback.

Decided to go with the flow and have ordered from AN.

Rainy day so thought I would remove the old ISO’s today.

I had to take the primary off to get full access by dropping the engine down using the front ISO as the pivot.

My old rear ISO’s had collapsed, so that the bolt was way off centre in the tube. I thought you may be interested to see the rubbers.

I had a chunk missing from on rubber that was just dust in the tube. The first photo shows how the end rubbers had flattened to the same diameter as the smaller inner rubbers. No wonder the vibration was so bad!Collapsed iso

Chunk out of iso rubber



He got it running for the then owner who had just bought it as a US import then decided to buy it off him. It had been "customised" in the best American tradition so he wouldn`t have been seen dead actually riding it like that!


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