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front brake


Hi, can anyone identify the single sided front brake on my navigator (just purchased as a project) it's the last one shown in the members gallery.

thanks Roger


Hi Roger, 

Had a look, but from the angle it isn't very easy to see. Is it a half width hub? Can you post another pic of just the brake plate itself and that way you will get a better response.

Putting the pic either in, or as an attachment to, the message will also help a lot too (how many pages are there in the gallery now?)

Regards, George. 



what or where is members gallery?

Why not post the picture here?


Hi Roger,

   Yes this is a 1954/5 single sided 8 inch type fitted to all models from 1954, even the 500T. For 1956 the full width hub was introduced and used this brake plate and shoes in a bolted up 2 piece hub, half alloy and half iron. This was subsequently replaced by the full alloy type with the later brake assembly during 1956.

George, there are 114 gallery pages now so too many rivets for me to count ! If you click on the thunbnail, the pictures are fairly big.

Andy, click on membership in the menu bar at the top of this page for the drop-down.


Hi Roger,

   Your brake assemlbly will only fit the early 2 piece hub. If you want a brake from the correct period as your Navigator you will need the one piece alloy hub and the correct plate assembly as this is different to yours. Best to get a complete front wheel, any late '50s or early '60s (Domie etc. if you have 7" wide forks) will be O.K. You won't have any problem selling your present wheel.


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