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Electronic speedo

Hi ,      Can anybody please  help - my speedo all of a sudden has developed a life of it's own. It runs normal at first until I use the indicators then it falls to 10mph  and occasionally resumes normality after a while it bounces all over the place until I use the indicators again and occasionally goes back to normal . Regards Keith

I had something vaguely similar with my (4-wheeled) BMW, although without the indicator issue. Seems on that model it is a well-known fault, and was cured by replacing one of the rear wheel ABS sensors.

Weird electrical events used to be caused by earthing faults.  After market electronic speedos can be affected by ignition systems.  So perhaps your indicator flasher unit is faulty.  Or is it all part of some single master computer controller?

The canbus circuits in the speedo can easily be upset by electrical noise. I can loan you a spare speedo to swap over and try first, before looking deeper into it.


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