I have seen 2 needle jet specs for the Electra - .105 and .1055. Any idea which is correct? Incidentally, apparently the previous owner couldn't get it to run properly. Maybe not too surprising as it has a C type needle rather than the correct B......
105 according to the Amal…
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... ... it's the same in the Norton publication P100. However, I have another manual which I believe is Norton originated entitled "Twin Cylinder Re-build manual" which covers heavy & light twins which is where I got the .1055 figure. I don't expect there's a huge difference between them. It has a .105 currently fitted so I may pick up a 1055 when I'm next at Hitchcocks as well as the B needle.
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My reprint of the Norton manual specifies the .1055 needle for both the Electra and Navigator.
I noticed that Burlen give two carb specs for the Electra, but specify .105 for both.
Edited to add that Burlen group Electra's in to two groups, 1962-63 and 1963-65, I thought the Electra didn't appear until 1963?
I would go with the Norton spec to start with.
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105 according to the Amal Reference Catalogue