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Fitting centre stand to a 99


Hello, i am changing my centre stand which is in poor condition to a NOC roll on type. I have to enlist help to get the bike onto the hydraulic lift and want to be properly prepared. Was thinking of putting axle stands under the foot rests but not sure if the primary outer and inner covers need to come off first or if this is not necessary . Thank you


....the whole primary has to come apart.  Great design. You can't get the pivot bolt out til it's all apart!


I think that Norton started with the centre stand and built the rest of the bike around it!  It reminds me of my wife's Austin Ambassador of the 1980s.  The heater wouldn't work, even though you could feel it hot when you touched the pipes below the centre of the dash console.  The heater matrix must have been the first item fitted into the engine bay - bolted to the bulkhead behind the engine!  No - I never did try to access it by removing the engine!

Lionel, slightly off-topic re: Norton, but your comment about your wife's Austin reminded me of a similar crack I heard at a Jaguar Owner's Night many years back.

The gag goes, "The Factory Assembly Procedure for an XJ6 is as follows: Step 1, suspend the heater matrix 24" above the floor......."

Hi Michael,

I guess you wrap the car around it!

I'll have a look in my manual - not that I ever took the engine out of my XJ6! (Daimler Sovereign Series 2 actually)  My first Jag - it was the first car I ever bought in 1971 - was a 3.8 Mark 10.  Then I had a 4.2 Mark 10.  I had a 2000 (modern version) 3.0 litre S-Type for 13 years and currently a 2004 4.2 V8 version - superb and cheap as chips!

Back to Nortons - tough job if you have to change or remove the main stand.  Bare frame then main stand eh?  


Hi Peter

Yes dismantle all primary side, you may as well fit a side-stand at the same time [save dismantling all again]. Make manoevering as easy as possible!

Mine came from Norvil. Make sure you have the H/duty spring. Bear in mind it weighs a lot more than the standard stand, but weight is low down and handling not affected.

I drilled the other engine plate and put a bolt [or stud] with spacers either side of the spring to keep it away from snagging on the gearbox.

Before rebuilding the primary try it with the exhaust fitted; ensure nothing touches or its all to take apart again, if there's no clearance.

Hope this helps; its a great piece of kit to make life easier.




Hi Lionel, My first and only jag  was a white  XK150 DHC  , a perfect car for  £250 ,   Could not find insurance for an 18 year old   so swopped for a  BMW Isetta  plus cash.   No  possible explanation. 


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